Ozuké: Everything Free

Everything Ozuké makes is Kosher, vegan, organic, non-GMO and free of allergens like soy, dairy, wheat and animal products. That’s a mouth full. Here is a quick rundown of what it all means:

Kosher: Kosher food is prepared in accordance to Jewish dietary law. These laws originated in the bible but have evolved as the food industry has. As the laws have evolved, so have the people who like to eat Kosher. People eat Kosher for cultural, health and quality reasons. The health-conscious among us believe Kosher is safer and healthier to purchase due to the fact that extra supervision is required for it to be classified as such.

Vegan: Vegan food is free of all animal products. This includes meat, dairy, eggs and all products derived from animals. Research has shown that vegan diets are often higher in fiber, magnesium, folic acid, vitamins C and E, iron and phytochemicals.

Organic: Besides being the buzzword of the decade, the term organic refers to foods produced under the guidelines of organic farming. Organic farming is generally free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Organic foods are processed without the use of irradiation, industrial solvents and chemical food additives. Organic farming also integrates biological, cultural and mechanical factors that create the cycling of resources and ecological balance, aimed at conserving biodiversity. Not only are organic foods free of harmful chemicals and additives, they are also more beneficial to the environment than non-organic foods.

Non-GMO: You may recognize “GMO” from a picket line or perhaps a sticker on a package of salmon you picked up. GMOs are “genetically modified organisms.” This sounds (and is) very scientific but is important to understand. GMOs are created when DNA from different species are merged together to create certain preferred characteristics in plants and animals. Plants can be modified to be herbicide tolerant, cold tolerant, resist disease and more. These foods have not been studied long enough to understand them fully, but we believe these modifications may cause unintended harm to other organisms and disrupt the ecosystem. From a human health standpoint, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) writes, “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. These are but a few reasons why non-GMO foods should be a priority.

Free of common allergens like soy, dairy, and wheat: Our modern diet is full of wheat, soy and dairy. These also happen to be the most common allergens.

Soy Allergy: Soybean allergy is one of the most common food allergies. It is in many foods you wouldn’t expect it to be in—like tuna, baked goods, cereals, infant formulas, margarine and even over-the-counter drugs. Soy is one of the eight foods that account for 90% of food allergy reactions in children according to the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology (AAAAI).

Dairy Allergy: Many people are allergic to dairy and are unaware. Symptoms of dairy allergies are abdominal bloating and cramps, gas, nausea, and slow growth.

Wheat Allergy: The amount of foods wheat is found in is pretty amazing once you start taking notice. Even soy sauce and ketchup have wheat as an ingredient. Yet, it is the most prevalent food allergy. Researchers have identified 27 potential allergens in wheat. One particular protein in wheat—gluten—has been found to cause many health issues. Problems with gluten are due to intolerance, not allergies. For example, those will celiac disease cannot have gluten at all. Gluten intolerance has also been linked with migraines, digestive issues, depression, dandruff, rashes, attention deficit and infertility.

If you have any questions about the nutritional content of any Ozuké product, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to talk to you about what is—and what is not—in Ozuké.