From the kitchen of our favorite foodie about town, Michelle Auerbach:
Feeling springy? Feeling cleansy? Feeling the need to eat all the greens that popped up at the Farmer’s Market this week? Want to add your Zuké to a salade composée? Here is the dressing and the salad for you.
3 inch piece of fresh ginger grated
3 cloves of garlic
6 inch piece of turmeric peeled and chopped
½ cup extra virgin olive oil
2 lemons juiced
3 Tablespoons of tamari
2 Tablespoons raw honey
½ teaspoon sea salt
Place all the ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth.
For the salad, I bought one bag of lettuce from Oxford Gardens, one bunch of carrots from Cure farms, I had some tofu in the fridge I had friend up yesterday in coconut oil, and some steamed asparagus. To this I added a heaping ton of Zuké beets, dulse, & kale. The key to a salade composée, or a composed salad, is to make it look appealing on the plate, with drizzles of this and jots of that in contrasting and vibrant colors. Use whatever you happen to have in the fridge including but not limited to cooked potatoes, chicken any way, steamed veggies, salmon, tempeh, good raw milk cheese, green beans, snow peas, really anything that catches your eye.
The key, though, is the combination of the grated beets and the salad dressing with some lettuce to catch the juices.